Seeing is reclaimed: a river is an errant water, borders oscillate, and therefore a map is always anachronistic. From this made obsolescence, a blank canvas for radical imagination emerges and is used to shrug off what has been given for what has been always already here.
02 the talking camera that talks for those who makes other
These seemingly protocoled, "objective" images are cast against the perpetrator's distance, bias, and self-attributed authority, immediately channeling these images into a millennium-old friend/enemy epistemology of empire.
“...this zine is an effort that situates itself not in the position of a formulator nor organizer of knowledge but rather as a concerned documentary practitioner who is not willing to abide by the apologist and self-manufacturing theories of working with and in difference.”
Seeing is reclaimed: a river is an errant water, borders oscillate, and therefore a map is always anachronistic. From this made obsolescence, a blank canvas for radical imagination emerges and is used to shrug off what has been given for what has been always already here.
A Mexican man dreams of an encounter with La Sagrada Muerte. His plotting to undermine this it’s authority is challenged when he encounters this omnipotent mythical symbol in an unexpected fluster.